Sunday, June 19, 2005

Interlude - SPWC

So the story is kind of stuck for a while, since Marten has no internet at home. I had an interesting idea I wanted to do during the summer sometime with you guys and this seems like as good a time as any to suggest it. I want to have a Society's Pants Writer's Contest. Well, it doesn't have to be and likely won't be an actual competitive contest, but anyway here's the idea. I've always been fascinated by writing prompts - how you can give different writers the same set up and get such diversely different stories. So I thought it would be cool for us to collectively come up with a prompt of sorts and have each of us write on it. Here's how I see it working.
1. I set up a new blog so we don't clutter this one up.
2. We take turns coming up with criteria. I might say, the story must contain 1 or more nuns and the celebrity of your choice. Erin might say, it must deal with the theme of Jealousy. Marten might say that it must be entitled "A truck full of ducks" and this title must have something to do with the story, etc. Anything goes as long as the plot isn't written for us.
3. Once we've each defined one or more perameters of the story and we agree that we have enough to be fun but not so many as to be unfun, we each write them, and make a post saying we're finished (Marten can write his by hand and let me type it or choose not to participate, either way.)
4. Once we're all finished, we post them and read each other's.
5. If we do make it an actual contest, we could vote at this point, but I'd rather not.
So let me know what you think here, and if everybody likes it I'll start the new blog and invite you all. If you think it's a dumb idea I'll just hang my head in shame.

EDIT: The blog is now up, at