Wednesday, November 23, 2005

perp 231776pp#I -Virgil (41)

We were all doomed, unless I could do something about it. Perp 231776pp#I is certain death, and the only reason the agency hasn't glimped it is because it is certain death. Ellen and Greg were good, but not that good. So this is what it was, they must have known I was watching. All these kids were chosen simply to lure me into a bloody trap. We'll see about that.
I watched Ellen tell Greg where we were headed, and he quite obviously already knew. He knew the perp's reputation, and no recruiter could have hidden surprise if they hadn't already known about this route. So, they both know where they're going, but they don't know why. They don't know that they we're assigned to this perp simply because of their relationship to me, because the Agency knew they wouldn't trust me. Then there was Marcus, accompanying us just in case they weren't as dumb as the Agency thought they were. Well, I've always been good at catching things the Agency's missed, so let them throw at me what they will.
The door at the foot of the miniature pyramid slid open, and Ellen led everyone in, with Marcus coming in last, after me. The tension was so thick, you probably couldn't even cut it with one of the Agency's sonic razors. Even the kids could feel the fear between Ellen and Greg. Marcus seemed to be an empty space in the feel of the room. Ellen took a barely noticable breath and motioned to another door.
"This is the entrance to the main cabin. What we're standing in right now is a sort of air-lock, only its more for keeping our personal reality in than oxygen. Like just about all of the other technology you've seen, don't ask me how it works," this last bit was added with an exasperated look toward Scarlet, as she was clearly about to ask. "The main cabin is connected to each of the personal quarters, the supply room, and the bridge. Marcus and I have our own personal quarters; no whining out of you Greg, you'll be rooming with Ian. Gillian, you are obviously with Scarlet. Each bunk is equipped with a computer terminal, the functions of which I am sure you will be able to work out on your own time, and various supplies which we will explain to you when the need for each one arises. You all can sort out bunks amongst yourselves."
"And me, Ellen?" I asked, as we filed in to the main cabin. "Where am I quartered?"
"You," she said, with as much contempt as she wasn't able to hide,"are quartered alone, with no computer access and limited supplies. You will not be allowed on the bridge of this vessel. And I don't think I need to tell you that you'll be under constant surveilance."
I chuckled. "Of course. And I don't think I need to tell you that all of us are under constant surveilance, no matter what the circumstances." I looked around to make sure everyone had already entered the main cabin. Greg was watching us from the corner of the next room, but that didn't matter at this point. "I know that you do not trust me, but there are things about this perp, and your crew "-I motioned slightly to Marcus-"that you don't understand." Ellen showed no interest in an elaboration of this warning. Telling her anything before departure may have been a bad idea, she might take the opportunity to do something stupid. One thing was certain: I had to get to the bridge before the portal opened. Perp 231776pp#I may not be beyond my ability to pilot, but I didn't want to find out.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Marten said...

I've finally got the post up, and I've got sort of an idea of what happens later, but I didn't want to make too much stuff happen before someone else had a chance to write

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I *hoped* it was Ellen who got to have that much contempt!

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Evey said...


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I'm confused. Erin's last post made it seem as if they were already in the pyramid, but now you have them entering it again. Where were they during Erins post? Have they gone through the triangle yet? If not, why was Erin's post titled "Through the Triangle"?


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