Tuesday, September 28, 2004

It's All a Facade - Ian(22)

The Girls immediately decided they were going with Ellen in "Sally," which left me with Marcus. Greg offered to come to, to "enjoy Marcus's warm company with me"(smirk). Greg and I walked through the door and headed towards Marcus's imposing black... car. I'm usually very good with identifying cars, but this time I had no idea. It didn't look weird, I just couldn't put my finger on a model or a year. And there didn't seem to be one written anywhere.
"You want shotgun?" asked Greg, "Cause I've had just about enough of that seat,"
"Uh... sure," I answered. I opened the door and climbed in. The interior was all in black leather. As I glanced over at the dashboard display, there was something slightly unusual about it, but again I couldn't pinpoint just what it was.
"What kinda car is this?" I asked.
"That's complicated," said Greg. "Recruiters aren't allowed to have anything that might influence a possible recruit, hence all the black. Some people feel very strongly about certain kinds of cars. At the same time, a totally unique car draws a lot of attention to itself, and attention is the last thing we want. This was the solution."
"What was?" I asked, confused.
"The Facade," answered Marcus. "They're standard issue for recruiters, although Ellen chose to use her own car instead. It uses future technology similar to that used in the room you found yourself trapped in,"
"When most people see it," said Greg, "It looks like whatever they expect to see,"
"And you two have know idea how it works, of course," I said cynically.
"Even speculating on the inner workings of future technology is strictly prohibited," qouted Marcus.
"It could lead to you inventing it, which would cause a paradox," explained Greg. "I don't understand it either. Apparently it's one of the conditions under which we're allowed to - what the hell?"
"What?" I asked, looking around. Outside the window, Ellen was standing outside her Mustang talking to a man I'd never seen before.
"Is that the other recruit?" I asked
"I severely hope not," said Greg, as he fished in his pockets for something, "Marcus, tell me that's not who I think it is?"
"I wouldn't know," he answered.
As the car pulled out of the parking lot, Greg leaned out the window for a closer look.
"It's Virgil," he said. "Looks like the gang's all here,"


At 7:19 PM, Blogger Jonah Comstock said...

Intriguing. Nice explanation for the facade line. Btw, we should really start allowing anonymous comments.

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Marten said...

and please realize
that everyone thought virgil was dead

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

You never said everyone thought he was dead. Just that he was "officially dead". It's still possible a few people know he's alive.


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